Monday, September 20, 2010

Awkward Dance Class

Today I took a hip hop class at my university.

To describe the experience I will first describe the class. The class was conducted in a huge room, about the size of a professional basketball court. As usual I arrived late to find a room filled to the brim with Taiwanese students sweating it out to some hip hop music.

When I entered the room, time seemed to stop. When I was spotted a buzz went throught the back half of the class, like a disturbed bee hize, which soon had the complete back of the class looking at me expectantly and excitedly and literally pointing. Have they no shame!?!?!

They seemed to expect me to break it down for them right then and there. One girl walked up to me, look at me and then turned away without a word (seriously).

The class was fun but really easy. I plan to go back, it was free. (If it's free, It's me!)


The City of Taipei has shutdown.

An oncoming typhoon has prompted stores to close, and students to stock up on water and essential vittles. I personally opted for raisins, peanuts, bread and crackers. I enjoy the intense onslaught wind and rain characteristic on typhoons, but I also am getting cabin fever. The University advised students not to leave the dorm.

As I sit here, I can hear the wind truly howl. This is the first time I have seen wind personified: it dragged bikes down the street, snapped trees in half and pounded on my windows in entertaining and frightening displays of unadulterated power.

Upside: sometimes classes are canceled due to typhoons. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Despite this storm weather, Taipei is still hot!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐

Never eat this!

The Taiwanese love to recommend this snack as a dish with style and local flare. I would not even recommend this dish to my mortal enemies (Satan/ Glenn Beck) lest they shoot me in the face in a fit of vengeance and fury.

After a little bit of convincing I took the plunge and tried some stinky tofu which was quite possibly the biggest mistake of my adult life. I was willing to eat this dish despite its malodorous nature because I was reassured that "it doesn't taste like it smells." Stinky tofu tastes just like it smells.... NASTY! If you want to know what it tasted like, go to your kitchen and deep fry some fecal matter.

This delicacy (I use the term liberally) is produced by deep-frying tofu that has been fermented along with milk, vegetables, and sometimes seafood. Yum. :(

The locals of Taiwan are typically trustworthy. However, as far as stinky tofu goes, don't trust them. Trust your feet which will have you instantly backpedaling upon smelling this dish.

I will describe this food in 4 words:
1. Offensive
2. Heinous
3. Repulsive
4. Bad

Shame on you Taiwan for unleashing this snack upon the world!!

*Sorry if you like it

Hot and Messy

I once again find myself wondering the perilous streets, and often pushing my way through the maze of back-alleys, of an Asian metropolis. Thus far, I love Taipei; the people are kind, the food is scrumptious and the city is simply fascinating. However the sweltering heat compounded with the unrelenting humidity is nearly unbearable!

Needless to say, we are always sweating profusely. And while I like Taiwan, I am sick of feeling hot and messy!