Friday, September 10, 2010

Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐

Never eat this!

The Taiwanese love to recommend this snack as a dish with style and local flare. I would not even recommend this dish to my mortal enemies (Satan/ Glenn Beck) lest they shoot me in the face in a fit of vengeance and fury.

After a little bit of convincing I took the plunge and tried some stinky tofu which was quite possibly the biggest mistake of my adult life. I was willing to eat this dish despite its malodorous nature because I was reassured that "it doesn't taste like it smells." Stinky tofu tastes just like it smells.... NASTY! If you want to know what it tasted like, go to your kitchen and deep fry some fecal matter.

This delicacy (I use the term liberally) is produced by deep-frying tofu that has been fermented along with milk, vegetables, and sometimes seafood. Yum. :(

The locals of Taiwan are typically trustworthy. However, as far as stinky tofu goes, don't trust them. Trust your feet which will have you instantly backpedaling upon smelling this dish.

I will describe this food in 4 words:
1. Offensive
2. Heinous
3. Repulsive
4. Bad

Shame on you Taiwan for unleashing this snack upon the world!!

*Sorry if you like it

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