Monday, September 20, 2010

Awkward Dance Class

Today I took a hip hop class at my university.

To describe the experience I will first describe the class. The class was conducted in a huge room, about the size of a professional basketball court. As usual I arrived late to find a room filled to the brim with Taiwanese students sweating it out to some hip hop music.

When I entered the room, time seemed to stop. When I was spotted a buzz went throught the back half of the class, like a disturbed bee hize, which soon had the complete back of the class looking at me expectantly and excitedly and literally pointing. Have they no shame!?!?!

They seemed to expect me to break it down for them right then and there. One girl walked up to me, look at me and then turned away without a word (seriously).

The class was fun but really easy. I plan to go back, it was free. (If it's free, It's me!)

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