Monday, June 14, 2010

I Saw the Sun

Today was the first day of class- it was very hard. As I am contractually (literally) prohibited from speaking English, I did not speak very much. I cannot convey the awkwardness experienced when a disproportionately enthusiastic teacher speaks to you in Chinese and all you offer is a blank stare or, my favorite, the dumbfounded smile complimented by an innocent shrug. As the teachers babbled away in Mandarin, oblivious to my desperate confusion, I began to ponder why this seemed like such a wonderful idea. These mental meanderings are rather inconsequential considering the fact that my tuition has been paid and I am already in China.

Nevertheless my day possessed two highlights: I talked to grandma (G-Mary!) and I saw the sun! A glimpse of the sun represents an anomaly in the Beijing sky which is generally characterized by a omnipresent grey haze.

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