Monday, June 21, 2010

"Only in China"

Being an African-American in China requires that I become accustomed to constant unabashed stares. Sometimes I stare back until they look away; sometimes they don't look away. At times, feeling brilliantly conspicuous feels tiring, but usually I don't mind. I bring this up because while a Tiananmen square a woman (Chinese) asked me to help her take a picture. I incorrectly thought she wanted me to take a picture of her and her male companion. However my delusions were dispelled as she immediately inserted herself between my Kenyan friend and me, held out two peace signs and smiled. While my friend felt offended, with good reason. I just started laughing. I don't really care, but I find it amusing to think that a random Chinese person might have photo of my friend and me (who they probably assumed to be related) framed in their home somewhere.

This situation and others has led me to coin the phrase "Only in China." I use the phrase because, quite simply, strange stuff happens here that I believe does not happen anywhere else. I have seen:

  • A Taichi instructor choked out on the sidewalk as his students watched.
  • A teenager in underwear (only) being chased by friends holding his pants while he laughed hysterically
  • Commercials with women putting underwear on their face to show how soft and fresh the underwear feels
  • etc...

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