Monday, June 21, 2010


I went to the Great Wall this weekend which was a highly-anticipated outing considering that I have been reading about this famous structure since I was in the 3rd grade. I have spoken with a multitude of people who have previously visited the Great Wall. The fact that they omitted from their experiences the ridiculous amount of climbing required to visit the Great Wall baffles me. How could so many individuals fail to inform of the half hour uphill climb to simply reach the Great Wall which, immediately and mercilessly, presents weary sightseers with more steps (uphill) in either direction. Despite the unexpected full-body work out- the great wall was amazing. However, I personally feel that if you have seen one part of the Great Wall, you've seen it all. It is simply a long, winding wall. This cynical viewpoint may be partially informed by the heat and general discomfort caused by constant uphill trekking (I wore sunscreen mom).

I also went to Tiananmen square which, as a wide expanse of concrete with a few statues, offers no hint to its historical significance. I expected no reminders of the past, but I could not disregard the eerie knowledge of an unacknowledged history.

By the way, I am a hardcore haggler!!

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