Saturday, June 12, 2010

Is a Big Mac Worth My Life?

So far, my short time in China has been extremeley interesting. The new sights, smells, sounds, and lack of sky are at once, intimidating and fascinating. While I would not describe my food experiences as adventurous, I have tried some interesting and tasty vittles. Admittedly, I am afraid to consume meat at the moment due to a preponderance of health advisories and a litany of safety warnings.

Meat, however, is not my only fear. I am also afraid to cross the street! The simple thought renders me catatonic. If you have been to Beijing, you have seen cars honking and weaving themselves through groups of pedestrians crossing the street. This whole situation appears unneccesarily frightening and perilous. Therefore, I have yet to cross a street in China. Unfortunately, McDonalds is across the street!! I wish to go, but is a Big Mac worth my life? Ultimately, I will cross- of this I am sure. I think I will pray, close my eyes and let the Holy Ghost lead me!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to discover if the big mac is 'to die for'!
